알파스팀 국내 영업부 사이트

알파스팀(Alpha-Stim)에 대해서 목록으로 가기

알파스팀(Alpha-Stim)에 관한 리서치(임상 연구)

date: 2022.04.14

안전성, 인상적인 결과 및 장기적인 효과

Alpha-Stim® CES 및 MET 장치를 사용하는 사람들의 90%가 통증, 불안, 우울증 또는 불면증 치료의 형태로 사용할 때 상당한 안도감을 느낀다는 의사 및 환자 설문조사가 있습니다. 이는 100개 이상의 완료된 독립적인 연구 연구 및 출판된 보고서에 의해 뒷받침되며, 그 중 다수는 의료 기기에 대한 엄격한 테스트 및 임상적으로 검증된 결과를 보장하기 위해 무작위로 통제된 시험이었습니다. 그렇기 때문에 200명 이상의 국방부(DOD) 실무자와 92개 이상의 재향 군인 관리국(VA) 병원에서 군인과 함께 Alpha-Stim을 급성, 만성 및 외상 후 통증, 불안, 우울증 및 불면증 치료에 사용합니다.

통증, 불안, 우울증 및 불면증을 현저히 감소시키는 것으로 입증됨

통증 감소
중증 통증 환자를 대상으로 한 연구에서 Alpha-Stim은 단 5회의 치료 후에 통증을 평균 71%까지 유의하게 감소시켰습니다.① n 외상 후 통증 연구에서 3개월 환자의 56%, 6개월 환자의 85%가 장치에 다소 또는 매우 만족했습니다.② Alpha-Stim을 사용하는 만성 통증 환자는 일반적인 치료 및 가짜 그룹보다 기능이 크게 향상되었다고 보고했습니다.③
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불안 감소
활성 Alpha-Stim CES 그룹의 83%(83%)는 기준선에서 연구 종료점까지 HAM-A에 대한 불안이 50% 이상 감소했다고 보고했습니다④ 수술 전 불안에 대한 연구에서 Alpha-Stim을 받은 사람들은 20분 적용 후 불안이 상당히 감소했다고 보고했습니다⑤
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우울증 감소
Alpha-Stim CES 수혜자는 치료 5주 후 우울증이 82% 감소했다고 보고했습니다④ 치료 6주 후 Alpha-Stim 사용자는 42.8% 개선을 경험했습니다⑧
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불면증 감소
수면 시간 증가: Alpha-Stim CES 수혜자는 5회 치료 후 평균 총 수면 시간이 43분 증가했습니다. * ⑥ 교육된 수면 장애: Alpha-Stim CES는 환자의 수면 장애를 줄여 불면증 범위 미만의 점수로 8주간의 연구를 완료했습니다 ⑦
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Alpha-Stim은 95개의 연구 연구, 출판된 보고서 및 진행 중인 연구, 의사 및 환자 설문조사에서 안전성을 입증했습니다. 통증, 불안, 우울증 또는 불면증 치료를 위해 Alpha-Stim 기술을 사용한 수많은 전문가들이 이 장치의 탁월한 안전성과 품질에 대해 언급했습니다.

8,800명을 대상으로 한 30년 이상의 연구에서 경미한 부작용만 보고되었습니다. 가장 흔한 두 가지 부작용은 두통(0.10%)과 전극 부위의 피부 자극(0.07%, 피부가 밝은 사람에게만 나타남)이었습니다.

긍정적인 반응을 보고한 환자,
에 따르면: 2011 WebMD Drug Surveys,
2011 Alpha-Stim 서비스 회원 설문 조사(N=152),
및 2011 Alpha-Stim 민간인 환자 설문조사(N=1,745).
⑨ ⑩


① Holubec JT. Cumulative response from Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) for chronic pain. Practical Pain Management. 2009; 9(9):80-83.
② Tan G, Rintala D, Jensen MP, et al. Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: a multi-site randomized controlled trial with a secondary 6-month open-label phase. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2011; 34(3):285-296.
③ Taylor AG, Anderson JG, Riedel SL, et al. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation improves symptoms and functional status in individuals with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing. 2013 Dec; 14(4):327-335.
④ Barclay TH, Barclay RD. A clinical Trial of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for anxiety and comorbid depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014; 164:171-177. Presented at the American Psychological Association National Conference, Honolulu, July 2013.
⑤ Lee S-H, Kim W-Y, Lee C-H, et al. Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on preoperative anxiety, pain and endocrine response. Journal of International Medical Research. 2013; 41(6) 1788–1795.
⑥ Lande, R. Gregory and Gragnani, Cynthia. Efficacy of cranial electric stimulation for the treatment of insomnia: A randomized pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2013; 21(1):8-13.
⑦ Taylor AG, Anderson JG, Riedel S L., Lewis, et al. Cranial electrical stimulation improves symptoms and functional status in individuals with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing. 2013; Dec;14(4):327-35.
⑧ Bystritsky A, Kerwin L, Feusner J. A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2008; 69:412-417. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association meeting, San Francisco, 2009.
⑨ Accessed online October 28, 2011 at www.WebMD.com/drugs. Pharmaceutical survey data.
⑩ Alpha-Stim Military Service Member and Civilian Data. 2011. Conducted by Larry Price, PhD, Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Psychometrics and Statistics, Texas State University.


Research at a glance (Clinical research)

Safety, impressive results, and long-term effectiveness

Physician and patient surveys that show 90% of the people who use Alpha-Stim® CES and MET devices get significant relief when using it as a form of pain, anxiety, depression, or insomnia treatment. This is supported by over 100 completed independent research studies and published reports, many of which were randomly controlled trials to ensure rigorous testing and clinically validated results on the medical devices. That’s why over 200 Department of Defense (DOD) practitioners and over 92 Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals use Alpha-Stim with military personnel for acute, chronic, and post-traumatic pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia treatment.

Proven to significantly reduce pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia

Reduced pain
In a study of severe pain patients, Alpha-Stim significantly reduced pain by an average of 71% after only 5 treatments.① In a post-traumatic pain study, 56% of patients at 3 months and 85% at 6 months were somewhat or very satisfied with the device.② Chronic pain patients using Alpha-Stim reported significantly improved functionality than the usual care and sham groups.③
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Reduced anxiety
Eighty-three percent (83%) of the active Alpha-Stim CES group reported a decrease in anxiety of ≥ 50% on the HAM-A from baseline to endpoint of study④ In a study of preoperative anxiety, Alpha-Stim recipients reported significantly less anxiety after one 20 minute application⑤
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Reduced depression
Alpha-Stim CES recipients reported an 82% decrease in depression after 5 weeks of treatment④ After 6 weeks of treatment, Alpha-Stim users experienced 42.8% improvement⑧
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Reduced insomnia
Increased Sleep Time: Alpha-Stim CES recipients demonstrated an average increase of 43 total minutes of sleep time after only 5 treatments * ⑥ Reduced Sleep Disturbances: Alpha-Stim CES reduced sleep disturbances with patients, completing this 8-week study with scores below the range of insomnia ⑦
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Alpha-Stim has proven its safety in 95 research studies, published reports and ongoing research, physician and patient surveys. Scores of professionals who have used Alpha-Stim technology for pain, anxiety, depression, or insomina treatment have remarked on the unsurpassed safety and quality of the devices.

In over 30 years of studies involving 8,800 people, only minor side effects have been reported. The two most common side effects were headaches (0.10%) and skin irritation at the electrode sites (0.07%, only seen in light-skinned people).

Patients who reported a positive response,
according to: 2011 WebMD Drug Surveys,
2011 Alpha-Stim Service Member Survey (N=152),
and 2011 Alpha-Stim Civilian Patient Survey (N=1,745).
⑨ ⑩


① Holubec JT. Cumulative response from Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) for chronic pain. Practical Pain Management. 2009; 9(9):80-83.
② Tan G, Rintala D, Jensen MP, et al. Efficacy of Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation for neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: a multi-site randomized controlled trial with a secondary 6-month open-label phase. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2011; 34(3):285-296.
③ Taylor AG, Anderson JG, Riedel SL, et al. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation improves symptoms and functional status in individuals with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing. 2013 Dec; 14(4):327-335.
④ Barclay TH, Barclay RD. A clinical Trial of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for anxiety and comorbid depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014; 164:171-177. Presented at the American Psychological Association National Conference, Honolulu, July 2013.
⑤ Lee S-H, Kim W-Y, Lee C-H, et al. Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on preoperative anxiety, pain and endocrine response. Journal of International Medical Research. 2013; 41(6) 1788–1795.
⑥ Lande, R. Gregory and Gragnani, Cynthia. Efficacy of cranial electric stimulation for the treatment of insomnia: A randomized pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2013; 21(1):8-13.
⑦ Taylor AG, Anderson JG, Riedel S L., Lewis, et al. Cranial electrical stimulation improves symptoms and functional status in individuals with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing. 2013; Dec;14(4):327-35.
⑧ Bystritsky A, Kerwin L, Feusner J. A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2008; 69:412-417. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association meeting, San Francisco, 2009.
⑨ Accessed online October 28, 2011 at www.WebMD.com/drugs. Pharmaceutical survey data.
⑩ Alpha-Stim Military Service Member and Civilian Data. 2011. Conducted by Larry Price, PhD, Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Psychometrics and Statistics, Texas State University.

출처: 알파스팀제조사 EPI 홈페이지

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